Corporate Speaking and Workshops
Camille Preston is a thought leader in virtual effectiveness, digital productivity and hacking leadership. As a psychologist, author, CEO and founder of AIM Leadership and executive coach, Camille is a sought-after speaker and trainer on leadership development, virtual collaborations, and living with personal and professional balance and fulfillment.
Her Talks & Workshops inspire and teach people to unlock their capacity for excellence, action, and impact. She is passionate about helping people lead, live, and work with greater engagement and purposeful productivity. Your attendees will be engaged, inspired and excited by her insights and entertaining delivery.
“Camille’s presentation on Mastering Female Leadership was dynamic, engaging and insightful. Her content resonated with women across multiple GE businesses and experience levels, helping us identify opportunities to become more effective leaders. Many of us wanted to hear her speak longer, so much that we are looking forward to bringing her back to speak again.”
Get in the Flow: Deliver Peak Performance
Dr. Camille Preston offers concrete steps to help you get into flow. Flow is about peak performance—it’s about working smarter not harder. McKinsey & Company research shows that executives who spend 15% to 20% more time in flow double their productivity. To help you achieve this state, Dr. Preston explains how technology impacts our brain, discusses the science behind optimizing performance and shares five actionable strategies for experiencing more flow in everything you do.
Rewired for Results: Work Smarter and Live Harder
In her widely acclaimed book, Rewired, Dr. Camille Preston examined how our overuse of technology is negatively impacting our brains, our bodies, our personal and professional relationships, and our productivity. She also showed how we all have the power to rewire. In this talk, learn practical skills to unwire and step back from technology to regain clarity and focus, set boundaries and establish effective systems to be more productive and fulfilled, personally and professionally.
Got Grit? How Facing Fears Makes You a Better Leader
Grit is courage and firmness in the face of hardship. It’s the single biggest factor to overcoming obstacles, setbacks, challenges, and adversity, and it’s the most important factor in great leadership. In this talk, Dr. Camille Preston dares you to imagine not just embracing fear but actively seeking out situations that terrify you with confidence. Learn how to level up your leadership by challenging your assumptions, breaking through barriers, harnessing untapped energy, and getting your grit on.
Leader as Coach
Leaders who are effective coaches foster higher performance, see greater returns on investment and report higher employee retention rates. In this talk, Dr. Camille Preston explores the power of coaching to build capacity and resilience across one’s team. She discusses why it is a mistake to assume that coaching is a top down relationship and details the five critical things you need to master to engage your associates, boss, and clients in being their best.
Mastering the Powers of Female Leadership
Men and women not only face different obstacles in the workplace; there is growing evidence that they work in fundamentally different ways too. For too long, women have undervalued their unique capabilities and failed to leverage their differences as core strengths. In this talk, Dr. Camille Preston explores what differentiates women from their male counterparts and discusses how women can leverage their strengths to deliver outstanding results at work, at home and at large.
Dismantle the Barriers: Interpersonal Savvy
Within 3 to 4 seconds of meeting you, people will make enduring judgments that amount to 80% of what they think about you. It is highly likely that you’re also doing this to other people. These judgments shut down dialogues and in some cases, reinforce harmful barriers. Understand what these judgments are, how you can engage more effectively with everyone you meet, and why rapport is vital to your success.
Each topic below may be presented in any of the following formats:
Keynote speech: 30 to 90 minutes
Workshop/seminar/conference breakout session: 90 minutes to 3 hours
Webinar or virtual presentation: 60 minutes
Watch Camille in action, speaking at recent talks
“I invited Camille to lead a presentation at Working Mother Media’s Work Life Congress. Her session was, hands down, one of the most popular. Camille is charismatic, engaging, funny, and impactful. She integrated neuroscience and psychology with real-life practical applications to deeply engage her audience and lead them in active learning. Most important, participants left with specific pathways to drive change. Simply put, she was amazing.”